Fuel Inventory – Manual Edit Closing Stick Readings

Under Daily Reconciliation – Fuel Inventory you will need to enter closing stick readings if they are not coming in automatically from the POS.


To enter them, simply type the closing gallon #s in the fields under the Closing column for each grade as shown below. Once you have entered the numbers, remember to Save.


Description: C:\Users\michelle.S2K\AppData\Local\Temp\SNAGHTMLa9071e4.PNG



Closing stick readings entered will automatically populate to the Opening sticks on the following day. **NEVER enter Opening readings.


If you have 2 tanks for one grade, combine/add the gallons to account for them together. Because we only have sales from the POS for one grade, we can only have stick reading inventory for one grade/tank.


If you have an automated tank monitor, the stick readings will be sent to the POS and then will automatically import into S2k. If you have a tank monitor connected to the POS and do not see them in S2k, please check with your POS/Stick reader technician to ensure everything is connected properly.