Entering Purchases or Expenses at Department Level

If you are not doing item level inventory of certain items, you can just enter them at department level to save some time. To do this simply use the “Department” tab located on your nonfuel invoice as shown below:


Description: C:\Users\Melanie\AppData\Local\Temp\SNAGHTML388820c2.PNG


Then you can choose from the dropdown either a department or an expense item:


Description: C:\Users\Melanie\AppData\Local\Temp\SNAGHTML388d4f41.PNG


NOTE: Expense items are preloaded and are NOT available for SKUs but can be used in this department entry tab. They can also be custom mapped to the right accounts when using our QuickBooks integration module. The expenses that are available are:


Advertising & Promotion

ATM- Income Dept.

Computer Service Fees Dept.

Consumer Card Bounty Dept.

Credit Card Chargeback Dept.

Display Allowance – Alcohol

Display Allowance – Misc

Display Allowance – Soft Drinks

Display Allowance – Tobacco Dept.

Franchise Fees Dept


Interest Income Dpts.

Inventory Adjustment – Gas Dept

Inventory Adjustment – Store Dept.

Lock Box Dept.


Maintenance – Computer

Maintenance – Gas Equipment

Maintenance – Site Repairs Dept

Maintenance – Store Equipment

Network Fees




Then enter the appropriate cost as needed to expense these items. Only enter a RETAIL if you are doing DEPARTMENT LEVEL inventory for that department, otherwise just TAB across and let the system auto enter the rest. You will notice that the total entered under this tab will add up into your Lines’ Total for balancing the invoice at the top of your screen: