Click on Promotion Rules on the side bar and click the to choose a new rule, the
to remove the rule you chose.
Click the
to save your
selection, and
to clear
your selection.
You should choose a rule for time first (Weekday, Date Range, or Hourly)
Rules to choose from:
Weekday Rule: This is to choose day(s) of the week that qualify the promo. You can choose 1-6 days of the week.
Date Range Rule: This
is to choose a start and end date of the promo. Click the Calendar symbol to choose a DATE and the clock
to edit the time,
otherwise the time will default to 00:00:00 on the start date and 23:59:59 on
the end date. You can also click in the field and edit the time. NOTE: POS only
uses hour and minute, it will ignore the seconds. Seconds are used for TPRs
Hourly Range: this is to set specific hours of the day that the promo can be used
Click the + symbol to then choose hourly range from dropdown list, then click on the hours to edit as needed. Times are in military time.
Then use the arrows to edit times as needed.
Then you need to choose your items and details for the rule for the promotion:
Product Mix Match Rule: This is to choose 1 or more items from a list or custom group listed.
Enter the criteria for each item highlighted, use the to delete the option and start over.
Click on the item and make a selection then click the checkmark
1- Choose how many of the item(s) need to be purchased to qualify for the promo:
2- Then choose the rule…is it for ANY ITEM in the list or do they have to buy that quantity of EACH INDIVIDUAL ITEM to qualify for the discount?
3- Are you choosing individual SKUs? Then choose PRODUCTS. Or are you choosing SKUs in a CUSTOM GROUP?
Select value according to your selection, you can start to enter the SKU # or the SKU Description in the “Products” or “Custom Group” field:
You can start entering the UPC in the products search bar and add items as needed. You can also choose custom groups of items in the custom group field.
If you choose CUSTOM GROUPS choose from dropdown then click ADD ITEMS.
Then items will list below, keep adding items as needed, when you are done, click OK.
You can also add items to the item lists by copy and pasting from MS Excel, Notepad, or other text editors.
The items MUST be an exact match to what is in your current pricebook or will not import.
From the add products screen choose IMPORT
1- Paste the UPCs in this field
2- Click Import when done, items will appear at the bottom, if you had a bad upc, an error line will tell you and ignore that item. You can repeat as needed.
3- When done click OK
Product Combo Rule: This is to choose items from 2 different lists that have to be purchased in the same transaction to qualify for the promo.
You can force them to buy 2 from one group and 1 from another by entering the QTY next to the item.
Add Rule Set: NOT IN USE