User Roles

The users have been added by email addresses supplied to S2k. User needs to go in and set the user details and the roles they want to assign to these users. First establish the User Roles that you would assign the user.


USER ROLES: User roles are preset criteria that you can assign to a user. You must assign a user role to a user in order to give proper access. To get to the User Role utility, go to SETTINGS and USER ROLES:




+New: This button creates a new user role



IS ADMINISTRATOR?: This check means the user is an administrator and has READ/WRITE access to all screens. When you assign this role that is an administrator, you can restrict the stores they can be admins for under the user.


ACTION ALLOWED: The role can READ or READ/WRITE. Read means they can only see the data, but cannot change any. Read/Write means they can read and edit data in the features allowed.


FEATURES ALLOWED: This tells what areas the role can read or read/write in:



NOTE: You can apply multi roles to users. So if you setup a ROLE to READ/WRITE Pricebook, but only want the user to READ Fuel…then you setup 2 different roles, one for Read/Write of Pricebook and one for Read only of Fuel, then apply the 2 roles to the user.