Account Receivable (A/R) – Entering Detail for House Charges

To enter the detail and reconcile your House Charges (A/R), from Daily Recon, click on A/R.



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If there are no accounts receivables in the system for that day currently selected on the calendar, the window below will come up. Click “Yes” to create a new account receivable.




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If there are accounts receivables for that day you will be directed to the list of A/R that are in the system for that day and you can view, add or edit as necessary using the edit and save buttons at the top of the screen. (Please see “Editing Accounts Receivables” below for more details).


 **In order to bring up the drop down menus in each field, you will need to click on the right hand side of the field. The yellow diamond indicates a required field.




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To edit an existing AR item, come to this same screen and go into EDIT MODE by clicking on the pencil on the top right , make changes, then save .


To delete a line, click on the left side of the line to highlight the whole thing, then click the delete key on your keyboard or the delete button at the top. The system will ask if you are sure you want to delete the item, click “YES”.