S2k will force poll your web site at least twice a day to get new data but sometimes the data is not posted on the oil company at the usual time and so s2k misses this data.
To assist we have added a button to force check to see if more data is available, this is located in the credit card view screen as shown below:
Once you press the “Yes” button you will see the progress as shown below:
Then as data starts to be processed you see this:
And then
And once it is done you can see the conclusion:
Now please do NOT abuse this button as this process is a queued procedure so could take as long as 30 – 60 minutes and if you want to double check, please check your oil companies web site first as we can only get the data that is there and it is a very complex process for us to do this and can get delays. If the problem persists please email us with the details and we will review as to why the data is not showing.