Purchase Order System

S2k now allows you to create a purchase order either from the Handheld or from within S2k based on the same criteria as our standard invoice system, and then once received, convert it straight over to an invoice and modify if necessary.


To locate the Purchase Order system simply click on Daily Books/Non fuel invoices, then click on ‘Purchase Orders’:



You can search for specific existing Purchase orders or leave the search screen blank and click the OK button




That will bring you into our Purchase order system. If no purchase orders exist, click on the NEW button





Then add details of an order as shown below then click the save button:




You can also load a completed purchase order from the master invoice file and that will duplicate an old invoice to assist in creating a new purchase order.


Once the order is received you can convert it to an invoice using the “Convert to a Non-Fuel invoice” button or email it as a simple PDF. Other export formats will be worked on as required.


Once this is done it will create it as a non-fuel invoice. You can find it from the Non-Fuel Invoice section.