QuickBooks Integration

S2k is one of the leaders to integrate QuickBooks to the S2k Back Office Systems using their SDK technology. S2k will send the following type of transactions to QB:

1)  Syncing Chart of accounts

2)  Syncing Vendors to or from S2k

3)  Syncing Customers to or from S2k

4)  Syncing QB Classes to S2k

5)  Fuel Invoices including prepaid sales tax tracking

6)  Daily Sales – Fuel and C-Store (including optionally Cost of Goods,) so we send Sales, and optionally Cost of Goods and Inventory

7)  Receipts

8)  Accounts receivable

9)  Accounts payable

10) Credit Card transactions


All of the daily transactions can be sent individually by date and station or by batch processing for a complete days worth of data.