QuickBooks Troubleshooting: COM ERROR:


System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x8004040C): BeginSession method has not been called or it did not succeed.

at QBFC4Lib.QBSessionManagerClass.DoRequests(IMsgSetRequest request)

at S2K.Accounting.Qb.QuickbookSession.DoRequest(IMsgSetRequest Rq)

at S2K.Accounting.Qb.QuickbookSession.QueryClass(Int32 intStation, Boolean bListID) at QueryClass



When you get the above error it usually means there is an issue with communication to QuickBooks. There are 3 basic culprits to check:


#1  You do not have the correct QB file open, or have different paths mapped between S2k and QB.


To check the location in QB go to FILE>OPEN PREVIOUS COMPANY> the first in the list is the one  you             have open, compare to what is mapped in S2k.


To check the location in S2k go to ACCOUNTING> PREFERENCES>Checkmark EDIT PREFERENCES>       and see the mapped file in the bottom section. If using MULTI QB click that box to see which store is mapped       to what file.


IF THEY DON’T MATCH…either OPEN the correct QB following the mapped path (sometimes you can access the same file in multiple ways) OR change the mapped account in S2k (be careful if you have OTHER PCs that also post to QB as they may have their QB file shared on a different folder as you, in which case that needs to be fixed by your network manager to match the other PCs that wish to post to QB. Contact us for more info or assistance in changing the mapped file in S2k NOTE: you will have to close QB to remap the file).


Your PC does not have the QB SDK installed or it was deleted or damaged (which can happen with a MS update).


To reinstall simply go to ACCOUNTING>INSTALL QB SDK, choose install and REPAIR if it comes up as an option. Click Agree, finished, next etc… as they appear. There are 3 items that get installed. Once complete, try to post again. You can also use this link to download manually…  http://ftp1.s2konline.net/QBSDK100.exe


Something is blocking S2k from connecting to QB…either your user preferences in either program are setup to not edit data, or your PC virus protection is blocking, you can disable it and test if it’s the issue.