S2k Accounting is a LIVE enterprise accounting solution
designed for the cstore/gas station industry. It can be configured to manually
enter other businesses or entities to give complete reporting of all your
businesses. S2k is CLOUD based so all your data is secured on the CLOUD just
like your S2k Back office. User security is how you would activate S2k
Accounting for a particular user and can only be done by an administrator from
System and Security> User Security Management:
This accounting package is completely connected to the S2k back office allowing all data entered into the back office to be streamlined to the accounting without any manual posting or reposting of data. With that said it is IMPERATIVE that the data in the back office be APPROVED and preferably only ONE ADMIN user given the rights to UNAPPROVE and make changes to approved days and invoices. That way the admin user can monitor as needed and update the accounting staff on these changes as needed.
Also, during the setup/review process, data may be required to be reposted to adjust for mapping and account changes. Please remember that the system reports in accounting will change until all this mapping and adjusting is complete.
Reports are being added upon request. So if you need something that isn’t there, please ask!! Have samples available if you have something specific in mind.
Thank you and WELCOME to S2k Accounting!