This report lists the following cashier statistics for the date range you select and for each cashier. This is a great way to track how your employees are doing with transactions at the POS/register.
1. Number of drawer violations
2. Number of card manual entries
3. Number of drawer alarms
4. Total card manual entry amount
5. Total inside fuel sales
6. Total merchandise sales
7. Total number of corrections
8. Total number of customers
9. Total number of items
10. Total number of no-sales
11. Total number of reserve stop
12. Total number of suspend/void
13. Total number of suspends
14. Total number of void items
15. Total number of void transactions
16. Total open department sales
17. Total taxes
18. Value of corrections
19. Value of reserve stop
20. Value of suspend/void
21. Value of suspends
22. Value of void items
23. Value of void transactions