The S2k Jobber package is an optional package and only available when the Jobber Package is purchased in additional to the standard S2k product. This package allows S2k to be used to do the following:
1) Download Fuel Invoices, Credit Notifications and EFT transactions from any supported Oil Company web site and then automatically setup invoices etc for their customers.
2) Automatically create a web site that your customers can view invoices and credit card transactions
3) Send Fuel invoices from the oil company and created customer invoices to QuickBooks for accounting purposes.
4) Send Credit Card credits to QuickBooks as credit memos for customer reconciliations and apply Credit Card Fees to this credit card memo.
5) Show and send EFT Bank transfers for easy reconciliation.
6) Allow price groups to be setup for easy management of your customer’s add-ons and profit cents per gallon.
7) Selectively dictate if a fee charged by the oil company is passed onto a customer
8) Automatically add fees and charges that are not charged by the oil company.