NEW: Upgrading Your Handheld to Version 2.6


This document is for the use of all S2K.NET users that have a DomexMP3000 or SC600 HAND-HELD Models.  Any other HAND-HELD models have not been updated with version x.26.


New Features

•      Unit cost/margin calculator

•      Vendor name restrictions

•      Less buttons on the main menu


How to upgrade your HAND-HELD to version x.26

1.  Go to and Hit Run

a.  Select “Remove” from list of options.  This will un-install the HAND-HELD program from your desktop computer, NOT from the HAND-HELD.

2.  Run the program again.  Just click on the default options all the way to end of the installation.

a.  Remove the HAND-HELD from the cradle (or unplug the data cable if you are not using the cradle)

b.  Leave the HAND-HELD unplugged for a few seconds, then return the HAND-HELD to the cradle (or plug the data cable back in)

c.  Upon returning the HAND-HELD to the cradle, a pop-up window will display on your desktop computer screen, simply click on the “OK” button.

d.  A pop-up window will now display on the HAND-HELD prompting you to install software on the device, simply press the “OK” button.

3.  Open S2K, and IF you see version, congratulations you have the latest version of S2K on your HAND-HELD device.

a.  If you do not see s2k version x.26, then try steps 1-3 again or call S2K help desk 619.464.5500 x113


Using the new features


1. Purchase Invoice: Unit cost/margin calculator

In the past if your purchase invoices did not include the unit cost for your items, you had to calculate the unit cost on your own using the quantity of items purchased and the overall cost for the case.  Those days are a thing of the past.  You no longer need to carry along a calculator with your S2K HAND-HELD to perform these calculations anymore.  Below, you will see the new feature that does these calculations for you.





Enter the quantity of the items purchased. 

Example: if you buy 2 cases of Cola and each case has 12 bottles within; you would enter 24 as the quantity.



Unit Cost

Enter the unit cost of your items purchased here.   If your unit cost is not provided to you via the invoice your vendor provided, simply leave this blank as it will be calculated for you.  Notice from the screen shot below that when the unit cost is entered, the case cost is automatically calculated for you.



Case Cost

Enter the case cost for the items purchased here. 

Example:  using the example from above, if the cost for both cases of Cola purchased was $27.99, you would enter 27.99 in the case cost field on the HAND-HELD, and the program will then calculate the unit cost to be $1.1663.



Unit Retail

Enter the retail price for the individual item. Retail is the price you will sell to your customers.




The margin is calculated based on the unit retail, and the unit cost of the item.  Be advised that you will not be able to enter a margin value and have the retail price calculated for you.


2. Vendor name restrictions

We now have tighter rules for Vendor names.  Any vendor name created on the HAND-HELD device, is restricted to only using the characters A-Z, a-z, and/or 1-0.  Below are some examples of legal vendor names and illegal vendor names.


Illegal Vendor Name

Legal Vendor Name

Why it’s breaking the law

Ruby’s Deals

Rubys Deals

The ‘ symbol is not a valid character.

Cresci Seafood & Steaks

Cresci Seafood and Steaks

The & symbol is not a valid character.

Dueas Chips and Memory

Duenas Chips and Memory

The symbol is not a valid character.


3. Less buttons on the main menu


Old Menu


Version x.25 of the S2K HAND-HELD program, had several buttons on the main menu, which rarely used by our customers.

New Menu


Version x.26 has those rarely used buttons hidden from the main menu.  To “un-hide” these buttons, simply click on the More button.