A major problem today in the C-Store industry is lack of resources, and no where greater is that felt than in the invoice and inventory area of the C-Store. All users want to know what they are losing from inventory but often the time and effort required to get the numbers far exceeds the actual loss. S2k has been working on new ideas and trying to revamp old ideas with ways to assist the user in giving this info in a quick and flexible manner. Its important to be flexible enough yet detailed enough to be able to focus in on an actual problem as they occur.
Before scanning, it was impossible to get an accurate inventory as we had no clue what we had sold, only by department so cost/retail was the only way to get any idea of how our inventory was doing. The shortfall of this method is well known, but it still remains a viable way to get some idea of what is happening, and can be fairly quick and efficient with minimum amount of effort. Once scanning became “the standard”, everyone jumped on the itemized inventory and unfortunately there were many problems. S2k was among those companies that whole heartedly embraced itemized inventory with ways to try to make it easier, from complex child/parent scenarios, to our handheld units, to the ability to mix and match items with departments, as well as the ability to recalculate itemized inventory without rigid standards.
S2k was fairly successful at this but as time progressed realized a more fully the cost/retail system needed to adopted into our system. We are pleased to announce that we have now completed the first release of the new S2k cost/retail system.
The new features of this include:
1) A new invoice format to enter cost/retail invoices
2) A daily running inventory count for each station to see exactly what inventory each station has at the end of each day on a cost level.
3) A reporting system that will allow both itemized and cost/retail invoices to be totaled each day.
Entering a Take Inventory by Department:
Viewing Department Level Inventory in
Daily Reconciliation:
Department Level Markups and Markdowns
Entering Purchase Invoices by Department
Reporting for Department Level Inventory
Special Rules of Department Level Inventory
Automatic Inventory Adjustments made
when Inventory is Negative