S2k will interface with many different CE operated scanning handhelds but the basic operation is the same for each one. The basic steps that need to be followed are as follows:
1) Install Microsoft Intellisync version 4.5 on the local PC or 6.1 for Vista
2) Install S2k Handheld program on the handheld (version will vary depending upon the handheld used)
3) Setup the S2k client to talk to the HH
4) Setup the HH to the correct defaults – this will vary depending upon which HH you are using, please check with S2k Tech dept for the correct setup
5) Learn
and run the program that include:
a) Change Retail Prices
b) Receive
vendor invoices by items
c) Take inventory
d) Inspection program
Setup the Handheld
What Can the Handheld Do and Not Do?
Installing the S2k Handheld Program on
the local PC
Updating Retail Prices from Handheld
Handheld Price Editor (Change Retail Prices)
Handheld: Creating a Purchase Invoice
Uploading Handheld Invoices/Take
Inventory to S2K.NET
Synchronizing HH with S2k NET & New Client
To Upload (Used to Update the Handheld)
To Download (Used to Bring in Work
done on Handheld)
To Run Force Sync Selected
(Used to Upload and Download at the same time)