Series 2K
Quick Books Gold Developer

Web Based Back Office Software

C-Stores/Gas Stations . Wholesale Fuel Supplies

Series 2K
"Praises to Series 2000 (S2K) for being simply the best Gasoline! C-Store BackOffice System available at a very reasonable price." -
Series 2K

“The S2K staff keeps us running. They are great problem solvers and willing to go the extra mile to getting the problem resolved, even if it’s not their software’s issue.”

Patrick McEvoy<
McEvoy Oil, Bellingham, WA

"I'll let other people speak to the wonders of this incredible easy to use and fabulously functional software -- what I love best about Series2K are the people at the other end of the phone / email. Excellent training sessions, well thought out, well spaced, not overwhelming. When I need help, or have a problem, Series2K staff are the most available / responsive & helpful team I've ever dealt with. Whether I call or email, I can expect answers to questions within minutes. I'll get a return email, or someone calls and walks me through the steps, or logs into my computer and fixes the problem. The best thing about Series2K ? When you invest in Series2K, they return the favor and invest in you and your business. We love them."

Dasha Keig, Owner
Carmel Highlands General Store, CA

"1. The Series2k program is a neat and comprehensive management system. 2. It allows me to input all my invoices whether they were paid by cash, credit, or check in a easy to use way.
3. As one becomes an experienced user a lot of these invoices can be input with only a few key strokes.
4. I have a very complex store -- gas station with ten fueling stations, deli, specialty items, a gift shop, Weekly/Monthly Fleet Accounts, Check Cashing operation, etc. etc. I am able to finish all my daily work in less than 30 minutes on average.
5. The best part is I transfer all my accounting data to QuickBooks with about 10 key strokes/day and I have a P/L statement in near real time.
6. Of course, I got to this point with serious attention and help from the friendly folks at Series 2k"

Anwar Somani, Owner
Euromarket Chevron, Falls Church, VA
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