Daily Books Menu

Daily Books menu is where most of the daily work can be done. This includes the following options shown here from the main S2k menu:



To view more menu options, click on the arrows indicated below to expand and collapse.


Below, all menu options for Daily Books are shown expanded.


Daily Books Summary

Daily Reconciliation

Fuel Sales - Daily Reconciliation

C-Store Sales - Daily Reconciliation

Receipts/Cash - Daily Reconciliation

Daily Books Approval System

Fuel and Dept Sales Analysis

SKU Sales Analysis

S2k Client Monitor

S2k Client

Fuel Price Notifications from Oil Companies

Fuel Tank Monitor System

Non-Fuel Invoices

Purchase Order System

EDI Invoice Importing

Correct Procedure for Checking EDI Invoices

Daily Reconciliation - Fuel and Non Fuel Invoices Not Balanced

Open Local Invoice Copies

Generate Rebate Invoices

Generate Additional Fuel Tax Invoices

Fuel Invoices: Creating a New Invoice

Fuel Invoices: Viewing Existing Invoices

When Fuel and Non Fuel Invoices Don't Balance

Importing Fuel Invoices and Oil Company Credit Card Data

EFT and Credit Cards

Cashier Management



S2k Competitor Price System